Regenerative Farm
Resources for Kids
Check out tons of games focused around many areas of farming specifically designed to help kids with math, problem solving, and more!
Other resources for kids:
Kid’s Gardening Projects by Kid’s Garden
Dozens of garden educational lessons sorted by age groups up to Grade 4 for hands on learning.
Preschool Lesson Plans by Growing Minds by Growing Minds Program - Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Program (ASAP)
Exploring local food and farms with your young learners doesn’t have to be challenging! These preschool lesson plans are an easy way to build connections between the outdoor environment and the classroom while introducing children to new fruits and vegetables.
Project Learning Garden Lessons by Captain Planet Foundation
Gardens can be used to create context and for teaching/applying concepts and skills across all subjects. Project Learning Garden provides numerous lesson activities or “Explorations” (organized thematically in “Collections”) for every grade level – Early Childhood through 8th Grade. These Explorations can be easily integrated into your scope and sequence and are aligned to support Common Core and Next Generation Science standards.
Harvest For Healthy Kids by Portland State University and Mt. Hood Community College
Harvest for Healthy Kids gives you everything you need to inspire children with fresh food grown close to home. Download free activity kits developed by teachers and childcare providers, and help a new generation thrive. This is the English version. A Spanish version is also available here