Taking Action Even if You Are Not a Farmer!
Even if you are not a farmer, you can have a huge impact on regenerative agriculture & supporting this movement!
Moving from conventional agriculture to regenerative can:
Reverse climate change: Emissions reduction alone is simply inadequate. Luckily, the science says that we can actually reverse climate change by increasing soil carbon stocks. > Read the Rodale Institute Report
Improve nutrition: Healthy soils produce more nutrient dense foods. Not only is it better for you, but the animals, and the planet. > Read the Report by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food
Improve yields: In cases of extreme weather and climate change, yields on regenerative, biodiverse farms are significantly higher yielding and more resilient than conventional farms. > Read the Report by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food
Create drought-resistant soil: The addition of organic matter to the soil increases the water holding capacity of the soil. Regenerative organic agriculture builds soil organic matter. > Learn More
More than ever, your buying dollar matters!
By supporting Regenerative Farmers and companies, you are helping ensure their future that they can continue to draw down carbon, increase topsoil for future generations, and produce better food.